We always use to serve sausage to dip into the warm bubbly cheese fondue. That isn’t traditionally how you eat fondue. You won’t find sausage served with traditional cheese fondue in Switzerland, Austria, etc. It's not like The Melting Pot. These are things we’ve learned from the past few years on how to eat fondue like the Swiss.
How do you make fondue?
Traditional fondue is a mixture of Gruyere and Vacheron cheese. Do not use American Swiss Cheese. Typically, Swiss will buy premade fondue cheese mixes at the grocery store or farm stand. They even have fondue vending machines. The fondue mixes often include a bit of cornstarch, so all you have to do is add white wine. Some restaurants will serve it with added ingredients like truffle fondue.
What do you serve with fondue?
You don’t dip sausage, broccoli, or grapes into fondue. You dip bread. For example, when you order fondue in Gruyere (top photo), you are served boiled potatoes, bread, and gherkins with your cheese.